تكبير الخط تصغير الخط
الجمعة، 11 مارس 2011

The gigantic difference between the “Z” and “J”


Suppose a Family of 5 members riding a car going on a road trip or something, peacefully, with no little disturbance or harming.

Person “Z” came over and forced the whole family to get out of the car, and killed all those who refused to do.

“Z” brought his friends; 5 or more, many of the “J” type, rode in the car, and started acting like this car is all theirs.

If  those -who were killed- were your family, and that car -that was taken illegally and unmercifully- was yours, who do you blame for all of that?

You do blame the “Z” man, and of course -maybe with more hatred-  the “J” people.

That was Palestine. The one Palestinian family- with the all the subdivisions inside- are the ones been thrown out there homes and lives; by whom? By the [Z= Zionists] and the [J = Jews] who claimed all after that this was their real home and history; regardless of all the lies and superstitions that aren’t based on any rational evidence that this land was theirs, I fail to say that the J people have nothing to do with all what’s happening.

Jewish is a religion, Zionism is an ideology; but please let’s not play with the shitty names to make people innocent as long as they both pour in the same cup of suffer.

And I recall what my Arabic teacher once told us and I could never forget how much true it is; ” ‘Israel’ was the only “country” to convert the concept of [Religionism] into [Nationalism]“. Well; it worked out great.

So, for those who keep insisting that there is a huge difference between the word [Jewish] and [Zionism]; the only difference I know is -At least at the time being- that the Zionists start it all, and the Jews inhabited the land.

Ibrahim Miqdady – 3/11/2011


الرابط المختصر : http://www.taradodat.com/at/db مصدر الخبر : لم يتم التحديد بعد ..
نشر الخبر تحت تصنيف : مقالات.  بواسطة :
اذا اعجبك هذا الخبر، بالتأكيد ستعجبك اخبار عرب توب الشبيهة ..

التعليقات على الخبر ..

The gigantic difference between the “Z” and “J”

لا توجد تعليقات
تذكر قول الله تعالى : { مَا يَلْفِظُ مِنْ قَوْلٍ إِلَّا لَدَيْهِ رَقِيبٌ عَتِيدٌ } .. سورة ق الآية 18 اترك تعليقاً

نحنُ مَوقع اخباري نَعمل لنُفلتِر للشباب العربي كمية الاخبار اليومية الهائلة بِطاقم شبابي طموح، ونُقدم الاخبار التي تُهِم الشباب بِلغتهم على شبكاتِ تواصلهمْ الاجتماعي المُفضلةْ !

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